John Soper is only a name and you think that he is your ancestor. You want him to be a prominent person, who left a legacy of good work and someone you might find in recorded history. Using some clues you find a John Soper that lived at the proper time and place. As you search you find more references to a John Soper but is it the same John Soper, and does he fit with the clues in your possession?
I want to try to establish three things. Who is John, where did he live and the name of his wife.
The conclusions that I have drawn are based on my logic of the related information. I have tried not to be biased and make big leaps in my conclusions.
I doubt that my work will be accepted, more likely it will be ignored. There is always the danger of NIHS "Not Invented Here Syndrome" interfering.
The answers to all the “we know” statements will be found in the following chapters.